Drie Stokkies (Three Sticks)

All one needs to play this game is three wooden sticks and a flat surface – preferably a long stretch of road. 

The structure and rules of the game are incredibly simple: We start by placing three sticks in a row – each horizontal to the long stretch of road and perhaps a metre apart. Taking turns each player runs and jumps over the sticks – RULE- when a player runs and jumps they may only take one step in the space between each stick. As each player takes a turn – the distance between the sticks is increased and once the distance between the sticks is too far  for a player to jump without taking more than one step between each stick – THEN that player is out. The player who is able to jump the furthest and clear the longest distance between each stick without extra steps wins the game. 

Anyone or any gender and age can play the game but usually it was just the kids that lived on my street – boys and girls all between 5 and 8 years old. 

Played on the street.


  1. Havent come across this game. It teaches motor skills as the player who jumps the furthest is the winner. It teaches calculation too.


  2. We played this game in Venda, Limpopo Province in South Africa. We had to be agile and able to make calculations to be successful at this game. It also taught us compassion as everyone in the same team was affected by how one person playing on behalf of the team plays. In Venda, it is known as Spider.


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