A game played by adult men as well as adolescent boys. The aim is to move small stones from one hole to the next. The holes can be made in the ground or on a hollow board game shown in the image.
In Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe we used to play an indigenous game called Nhodo. I did not realise this was teaching us counting and mathematical literacy. So, in a group we could play e.g., 5 players. The game involves each player choosing 5 small round stones to contribute. All the stones are put in a circle. The first player will use a lead stone to throw in the air while taking out all the stones from the circle. The player will then throw the lead stone into the air and take one stone from the stones and push all the stones into the circle. If some stones remain outside that is an infringement and the next player takes over…. Taurai Mutanda
The Sansa Kroma game is/was commonly played in Ghana. Sansa Kroma means 'hawk' in Fante or Twi. Hawk is a bird. Rules The game is played with the Sansa Kroma song and stones. Every participant has a stone in front of him or her. As all participants sing the song, every one moves the stone in front of them in the songs rhythmic pace to the next participant to their right side. The song increases in pace after every round of stones. The stones must be moved in such a way that you always have only one stone to move at a time as the pace of the song increases. If a participant is not able to keep the pace of both the song and the movement of the stone, and thereby having two stones in front of him s/he is kicked out. The game continues until only one person emerges as a winner. The author is grateful to Ralitsa from Ghana who provided the explanation of this game.
The game is called 1-2-3 Block. The game does not require any materials, but it does need a big space/ area in which to play it. This game is similar to hide and seek but a bit more active and exciting. Before the game begins all the players agree on an item to be the ‘blocking post’. This item must be relatively large and accessible from multiple directions e.g. a tree, chair, or part of a wall (etc.). After this has been decided, a chosen ‘seeker’ must count to 50 with their eyes shut next to the ‘blocking post’ and everyone else hides. Once done counting, the person must try and find everyone BUT the game does not end when they are spotted… Rather, when spotted, both the hider and the seeker must run back to the ‘blocking post.’ If the hider gets to the post, touches it and shouts “1-2-3 Block” before the seeker, they are safe. But if the seeker gets there first and shouts “1-2-3 Block” then the hider has lost and will become the next seeker. The game co...
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