Insingela tou

a)  What does one need to play (i.e. materials)

A stretchy rope tied as a loop (this rope can be made from old pairs of stockings that can be tied together to form a loop (oval shaped), two people as pillars. If there are no people, you can use two chars as pillars.

b)    How is the game played?

i) The game needs 2 pillars and at least one player known as the jumper. The jumper can be a group of 2 people, but can’t exceed this

  • Two people stand as pillars at least a 1.5 distance from each other on both sides of the loop and the jumper has to hop in the rope without getting stuck, getting their foot caught and be able to untangle themselves.
  • The first level: the pillars hold the loop on at the knees. 
  • The second Level: the pillars hold the loop at the stomach. 
  • The third level: the pillars hold the loop at the upper arms.
  • The pillars sing the song that play hops too. There are various, and various communities have different songs. For example, one song I know is “Over the moon”

So we sing, “Over the moon”x 2. The jumper then puts there foot over both. Then the pillar sings “in the moon” x2 and the jumper puts a foot in. The pillar sings “cross the moon” and then the player has to cross the loops with their foot. 

 ii) how does the game start and end.

The game starts with the pillars singing, and the pillars stop singing.

iii) How does one win or lose?

You lose by getting stuck, tangled, or stepping on top of the rope. You win by completing all the levels.

iv) What are the rules? 

Dance as the pillar sings

Complete all three levels successfully to win

You are not allowed to use your hands when looping. Only to lower the lop to begin the game if it is too high.

You are not allowed to re-do. One mistake and you are out.

c)      who plays the game (e.g. boys / girls, both) and where (e.g. playground, backyard, in-doors etc.).

Boys and Girls can play the game

It can be played outdoors, which is where it most commonly occurred. However it can occur within a classroom with adequate space. 


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