
What you need

  • Two teams of 8 people (16 players)
  • Chalk to draw circles
  • A ball

i)    Team One has the ball. They are trying to prevent Team Two from getting into the circles. Every circle counts 4 points. The total score a team must have is 24. Team Two must ensure the ball does not hit them while they try to get into the circles to make 24. If a team gets two 24, the players that were out because they got hit by the ball come back in and they play again until everyone is out.
ii)     In order to win, players must run into the circles 6 times without getting hit by the other team with the ball.
iii)     Rules are you cannot throw hard balls.
You cannot hit someone with the ball if they are already in the circle.

Both genders play the game.

It is best played outside


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