
The game is played by children (girls and boys) outside on a field, using a ball (size ~ 8cm). At the start, one player (call them A) was ‘on’ and tried to throw the ball at other children who could run away. As soon as another player (B) was hit, she teamed up with A and the two of them tried to hit another player. The person with the ball was not allowed to run but everyone else was (e.g. A would stand still with the ball while B positioned herself  near another child, A would throw the ball to B and A was then free to run.) B could “sting” the third player (C), who then joined with A and B and the three of them tried to hit the other players.  This continued until there was only one player who had not been “stung” – She was the winner. 


  1. This game is new to me. It teaches team work/collaboration among the ones hit to ensure they capture more candidates.


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