Three Tins

The game is called “Three Tins”.  It is a traditional game played by children of both genders, anywhere outdoors - in the playground, the backyard, or even a park.

One needs three tins and a homemade ball either with plastic or a cloth to play the game. The tins should be the same size, but it’s more fun to use different items like bottles, cans, tin cans, and so on.

To start the game, one of the players from each team must throw the ball at the three tins and try to hit all three of them. If the player is successful, they must then rearrange the three tins as fast as they can. The first team to do this wins the game.

The rules of the game are quite simple. In order for the team to win, all three tins must be arranged again as quickly as possible. All players must stay inside the designated area while playing. Moreover, the ball must stay in the same area; if it falls outside, the game must be paused and the ball returned to where it originally was. Finally, there must be a clear and agreed-upon boundary line that decides where a player has to stand to launch the ball.

This game is a fun and entertaining way for children to have a good time and learn some valuable skills like coordination and teamwork. This is a classic game that has been enjoyed by generations of children for many years.


  1. The game is played in Kenya. It teaches team work, collaboration, Coordination and focus.


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